nhoizey’s avatarnhoizey’s Twitter Archive

118,049 tweets


  1. My tweets archive is online! twitter.nicolas-hoizey.com/ If you want to do the same, ask for your backup and run tweetback. More on mamot.fr/@nhoizey/109383192041546778
  2. I will not participate on Twitter while D*nald Tr*mp has an active account. #VoteWithYourTweet Use your voice. Join us on votewithyourtweet.com/
  3. 15 years ago… 🤷‍♂️ @nhoizey/77754112 Twitter might not exist anymore soon, or change to the point I don't want to use it anymore. But I’ve been on Mastodon for a few years now, and it’s great. Find me at mamot.fr/@nhoizey nicolas-hoizey.com/notes/2022/11/18/1/
  4. Here are 2 more @abookapart books for my already huge collection, I love these books! 😍
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. On a écrit à 4 mains avec @duga3 un article pour vous présenter ce que sont les Design Systems, et pourquoi il est fort probable que vous devriez en avoir un : blog.clever-age.com/fr/2022/11/17/introduction-aux-design-systems-pourquoi-et-comment-sy-mettre/
  6. Wow, un article de 2004 de mon site perso est cité dans la page @Wiktionnaire de la locution « dans toutes les bonnes crèmeries » ! 😲 fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/dans_toutes_les_bonnes_cr%C3%A8meries Merci Noé pour l’honneur. 🙏
  7. Hum… sauf qu’on utilise de préférence Firefox pour utiliser tous ces services… @gchampeau/1592814451736326145
  8. Qui regarde The Walking Dead saison 11 sur @OCSTV et a l’image et le son sur l’épisode 19 ? (Suis-je seul à persister ? 😅) Je n’ai qu’écran noir et silence, mais je suppose que ce n’est pas un épisode conceptuel minimaliste… @nhoizey/1592056511534174209
  9. Je l'utilise toujours, ça me permet d'avoir dans Musique sur tous mes appareils des morceaux et albums que Apple n'a pas en catalogue. @MacGeneration/1592543192942977024
  10. Le plus simple et performant pour avoir un prompt personnalisé (intégrant notamment Git) dans iTerm 2 sur macOS, c'est toujours OhMyZsh ?
  11. 🔗 The IndieWeb for Everyone by @mxbck #IndieWeb #Mastodon nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2022/11/15/the-indieweb-for-everyone/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. Indeed. It’s sad people still publish their slides there. @benotist is so nice, even it lacks a "follow" feature. Speakerdeck has it, but is less open. I PESOS abstracts of my talks from talks.nicolas-hoizey.com (with Notist API) to nicolas-hoizey.com/talks/ (with @eleven_ty ) @tunetheweb/1592507302917341187
  13. 🔗 Why you should never use px to set font-size in CSS by @jjcollinsworth #em #rem #accessibility nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2022/11/15/why-you-should-never-use-px-to-set-font-size-in-css/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. 🔗 Converting Your Twitter Archive to Markdown by @m_ott #Twitter #Markdown nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2022/11/15/converting-your-twitter-archive-to-markdown/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. 🔗 Google Needs 9× More Time To Crawl JS Than HTML by @ziemek_bucko #JavaScript #SEO nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2022/11/10/google-needs-9x-more-time-to-crawl-js-than-html/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API


  1. Mes slides « Un petit pas pour l'em, un grand pas pour le Web » sont en ligne, liens sur Lanyrd: lanyrd.com/2013/parisweb/sckdfg/ #parisweb
  2. Le (vrai) contenu représente environ 8,2 % de la page visible, bravo @LeNouvelObs / @Rue89 … #huge #fail
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. Cela me désole tellement que les vidéos des conférences @ParisWeb soient si peu regardées… 😥 Il y a d'excellentes conférences sur des sujets très variés, elles méritent bien plus de vues : vimeo.com/parisweb
  4. Now that the 240 rules of the Web Quality Assurance Checklist provided by @Opquast_EN are available in English, I hope they will be shared all over the Web. We NEED this as professionals and we WANT this as users. 😍 checklists.opquast.com/en/web-quality-assurance/ Please RT! nho.io/n/2021/05/20/1/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. Ceci n’est pas un fake… 😥
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. Il faut arrêter de croire que le développement front end est maîtrisable par une personne seule. Le peu que je connais sont des mutants.

I’ve retweeted other tweets 25,816 times (21.9%)

Most Retweeted

  1. CleverAge 465 retweets
  2. ElieSl 364 retweets
  3. esviji 329 retweets
  4. ParisWeb 314 retweets
  5. clochix 275 retweets
  6. phototrend 260 retweets
  7. HTeuMeuLeu 253 retweets
  8. mariejulien 243 retweets
  9. htmlvv 222 retweets
  10. kReEsTaL 216 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. ParisWeb 24 retweets
  2. m_ott 20 retweets
  3. ElieSl 17 retweets
  4. mxbck 16 retweets
  5. HTeuMeuLeu 16 retweets
  6. borisschapira 16 retweets
  7. zachleat 15 retweets
  8. simevidas 15 retweets
  9. eleven_ty 14 retweets
  10. SaraSoueidan 12 retweets

Replies and Mentions

58.7% of my tweets are replies (×69,237)

Most Replies To

  1. htmlvv 2483 replies
  2. edasfr 2031 replies
  3. m4d_z 1869 replies
  4. jwajsberg 1441 replies
  5. f4hwn 1284 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. ArnaudLigny 51 replies
  2. naholyr 40 replies
  3. hsablonniere 40 replies
  4. eleven_ty 39 replies
  5. jwajsberg 34 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 3,285 times (2.8%)

49.5% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (12,396 of 25,048)

96.7% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (976 of 1,009)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 4238 tweets
  2. github.com 1433 tweets
  3. nicolas-hoizey.com 883 tweets
  4. bit.ly 869 tweets
  5. ift.tt 527 tweets
  6. 500px.com 476 tweets
  7. path.com 428 tweets
  8. twitpic.com 373 tweets
  9. youtube.com 367 tweets
  10. mozilla.org 352 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 4214 tweets
  2. github.com 1335 tweets
  3. bit.ly 869 tweets
  4. nicolas-hoizey.com 818 tweets
  5. ift.tt 527 tweets
  6. 500px.com 448 tweets
  7. path.com 427 tweets
  8. twitpic.com 373 tweets
  9. www.youtube.com 360 tweets
  10. cas.im 318 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 7,176 retweets and ❤️ 19,057 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😉 used 7027 times on 7022 tweets
  2. 😅 used 1984 times on 1981 tweets
  3. 😜 used 1579 times on 1578 tweets
  4. 👍 used 1321 times on 1317 tweets
  5. 😕 used 1218 times on 1218 tweets

316 unique emoji on 19,442 tweets (21.1% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. fail used 416 times on 409 tweets
  2. parisweb used 398 times on 397 tweets
  3. webperf used 251 times
  4. spip used 148 times
  5. photo used 89 times

7,141 hashtags on 7,119 tweets (7.7% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. t_rd used 289 times on 288 tweets
  2. t_t used 108 times on 106 tweets
  3. p_s used 41 times
  4. h_ll used 27 times on 26 tweets
  5. t_ts used 15 times on 14 tweets

556 swear words on 548 tweets (0.6% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets