nhoizey’s avatarnhoizey’s Twitter Archive—№ 100,099

      1. …in reply to @jeffposnick
        @jeffposnick @borisschapira @workboxjs On my side, I didn’t want to cache any videos, so I tried to use the NetworkOnly strategy, but I had issues anyway. I will try to build a reduced test case and make a screencast.
    1. …in reply to @nhoizey
      @jeffposnick @borisschapira @workboxjs Here are the console errors I get when the video refuses to load, using the NetworkOnly strategy. These are videos generated by Cloudinary from animated gifs provided by Giphy, hence the .gif extension at the end of the URL.
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @nhoizey