nhoizey’s avatarnhoizey’s Twitter Archive—№ 101,522

  1. Nice trend of people leaving silos for self built/hosted or distributed services, more awareness about @indiewebcamp and #POSSE. 👍 Medium → self blog Disqus → Webmention Twitter → Mastodon Any other example of silos we shouldn’t rely on too much? nicolas-hoizey.com/2017/11/medium-is-only-an-edge-server-of-your-posse-cdn-your-own-blog-is-the-origin.html
    1. …in reply to @nhoizey
      @indiewebcamp Additionally, do you have good examples of people losing their own content (blogs, photos, etc.) because they relied on a silo that disappeared without any (simple) way to get data back or migrate elsewhere? Where are your Google+ posts gone, for example?