nhoizey’s avatarnhoizey’s Twitter Archive—№ 102,056

  1. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" #Amboseli National Park in #Kenya has great views of Mount #Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing mountain in the world. Better quality on @Flickr : flic.kr/p/2hhqSLR @fujifilmfrance X-T2 + XF 27mm f/2.8
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @nhoizey
      @Flickr @fujifilmfrance Almost 85 percent of the ice cover on Kilimanjaro disappeared between October 1912 and June 2011. At the current rate, most of the ice on Kilimanjaro will disappear by 2040. 😢 #GlobalWarming