nhoizey’s avatarnhoizey’s Twitter Archive—№ 102,933

  1. …in reply to @mxbck
    @mxbck @eleven_ty @zachleat One thing I still don’t understand is why I need to create a links collection in .eleventy.js when the links tag is attached to all link contents with the layout they use. See github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/commit/8621a1326639e808ea2510d3665a5f3d2c586d67
    1. …in reply to @nhoizey
      @mxbck @eleven_ty @zachleat I see the links tag is not shown with other links tags on the page… 🤔 The folder data file works, because the right layout is used: github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/blob/eleventy/src/links/links.json But it looks like the tags set in this layout are not added to the content: github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/blob/eleventy/src/_layouts/link.njk
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API