@rob_dodson @daKmoR @eleven_ty Here is my repository: github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/ My Sass files are here: github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/tree/main/assets/sass They are compiled to CSS with Dart Sass: github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/blob/main/package.json#L21 critical.css is inlined in production build with github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/blob/main/src/_includes/head.njk#L11-L12 and github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/blob/main/src/_includes/add-css.njk …/…
@rob_dodson @daKmoR @eleven_ty I didn't have enough not critical CSS on this site for an additional loading. But I did this in Pack11ty, my Eleventy template: github.com/nhoizey/pack11ty/blob/master/src/_layouts/base.njk#L49-L53 …/…
@rob_dodson @daKmoR @eleven_ty For CSS specific to a partial, there is for example some CSS for the tags cloud on nicolas-hoizey.com/tags/ github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/blob/main/assets/sass/page-tagscloud.scss It is inlined with github.com/nhoizey/nicolas-hoizey.com/blob/main/src/tags.njk#L7-L8 I guess I could have put this include in the tagsCloud macro, as I will use it only once in a page.