nhoizey’s avatarnhoizey’s Twitter Archive—№ 113,457

  1. …in reply to @TheRealNooshu
    @TheRealNooshu @Cloudflare Content images come from Cloudinary, while HTML, CSS, JS and UI images (SVG icons) come from Cloudflare. On assets, I have this: cache-control: public, max-age=604800, immutable On HTML, I have this: cache-control: public, max-age=120 120 seconds might be too low… 😅
    1. …in reply to @nhoizey
      @TheRealNooshu @Cloudflare By the way, this @Cloudflare graph about caching is about caching on their edge servers, not on the user's browser, right? Here's my rule to set edge caching to 2 hours:
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API