@zcorpan @etportis @tabatkins @yoavweiss @fantasai There is 1 mention of "Reserve space for the image whilst it loads": github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2973#issuecomment-325640635 But the issue focuses on height contraints.
@zcorpan @etportis @tabatkins @yoavweiss @fantasai I don’t need height constraints now, but I definitely would like to give the browser a way to "reserve space for the image whilst it loads".
@zcorpan @etportis @tabatkins @yoavweiss @fantasai So I think I "only" need a way to tell the browser about the image ratio. I can use both w and h descriptors in srcset if it’s the only way.
@zcorpan @etportis @tabatkins @yoavweiss @fantasai Do you think it would be better if I open another issue dedicated to this topic?
@zcorpan @etportis @tabatkins @yoavweiss @fantasai It looks like you already had the whole discussion in github.com/ResponsiveImagesCG/picture-element/issues/85 which is still open, but inactive since December 2016…